
8 Anti-Spam/Phishing - Blocked Emails

The mail provider of the accounts implemented a new anti-spam and phishing system to enhance email security. 

This new and improved system automatically blocks emails containing attachments or links to download potentially dangerous files, such as Excel files with macros. These types of files can be used to spread malware, so this extra layer of protection helps keep your computer safe. If you need to share or receive a macro-enabled Excel file, zipping it may be a solution.  Please see below a list of file types considered "dangerous":

File type

access add-in

access project

apple application

basic script

cgi script

compiled help (CHM)


Documents with Macros

dos batch (BAT)

dos command (COM)

executable (EXE)

flash application (SWF)

html appplication (HTA)

html help (CHM)

IMG disk image

internet shortcut (URL)


jar (Java ARchive)

LZIP archive


microsoft web query file (iqy)

ms cabinet (CAB)

ms scrap files (SHS)

security certificate (CER, CRT, etc.)

system files

vbscript (VBS)

vbscript encoded (VBE)

windows console script (CMD)

windows console snap-in

windows control panel (CPL)

windows installer package (MSI)

windows installer patch (MSP)

windows installer transform (MST)

windows library

windows registry (REG)

windows screensaver (SCR)

windows script (WSF)

windows script component (SCT)

windows script host settings (WSH)

windows setup information (INF)

windows shortcut (LNK)

windows shortcut (old)