Personal Web Space

All BIOPOLIS members can create their own web area.  The webspace is yours to create and edit as you choose. The information provided on your pages is considered to be unofficial and should not normally be linked to the official BIOPOLIS pages. Any files stored in your personal web space contribute towards your home folder quota. 


Personal web space is for static pages only. It is not designed for application development. 

The web pages will be available at<username>

where <username> should be replaced by your  BIOPOLIS username.

For instance, the BIOPOLIS member john doe, with username john.doe will have the web page accessible through the following link:

Before setting up your web pages

You should read the associated policy  (Personal Home Page Policy) before creating and publishing your content.

Set up your web pages

You should create a default page in your web folder (named public_html) on your home folder with the name  index.html. This will act as your homepage. It is also good practice to create a default page in each subfolder of the public_html folder.

Ensure that your home folder is accessible by all and that the public_html folder and its contents (including subfolders and files, if necessary) are also readable by others. In Linux, for instance, this is achievable by running:

chmod 755 ~  ~/public_html && chmod +r ~/public_html/*

To check that your pages work. Open a web browser, and type in the URL of your website. Check that the links work as expected and that you are happy with your site's appearance.


You are responsible for creating and maintaining the content on your home page. 

While the ITU does not provide assistance with creating personal web pages, there are many resources online for creating web pages with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Here are a few resources to help you get started: