Group Emails

A group email or mailing list functions as a central communication hub for a group of individuals, ensuring that everyone receives important updates and messages. These accounts can be created for research groups, units, events, or projects. For more information on group email accounts, please refer to the IT-06 Email Accounts Policy.

The Google Groups for Business platform serves as the foundation for our group email services. These services offer a comprehensive suite of functionalities (more details here).

 For comprehensive guidance on using Google Groups refer to the Google Groups Help Center. To send emails from a group email address, please follow the steps described here.

Request a group email

To request a group email account, simply submit a ticket using the topic "Group Email Creation" and specify the type of group email account you need (Research Group, Unit, Event, or Project). Upon submission of your ticket, an email containing a direct link to an online form will be sent. This form will allow you to provide the necessary information to establish the new group email account.

Only group leaders, unit heads, and principal investigators (PIs) may request group email accounts for Research Groups, Units or Projects.

Changing the manager or sponsor

Submit a ticket using the topic "Group Email Management" and specify the type of group email account that you wish to manage.  You will receive the link to a form to provide the necessary information.